Team meeting (Part vii) and Project partner meeting

The latest team meeting was held on 29th of November. The entire team met again at New Factory and spent the evening discussing the operationality of the tool. Burni and Tamas have been working hard on the coding aspect for the past couple of weeks and have come up with brilliant design and functionalities. The tool is coming along well with constant additions and subtractions and we are keeping our hopes up that we have the final version soon. After the meeting a very interesting and entertaining feedback activity was done with one of the Demola faclitators, Ohad .

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Tamas and Burni working hard on their pose

The team is looking forward to the Pitching workshop which is being held on Thurs, 8 Dec at New Factory. This would be a helpful tool for the final pitching that is the next major event for us.

The meeting with the project partner was held on 1st of December. Elli couldn’t join us because of some important work commitments however, the show must go on. The rest of the team met with Sunnu and discussed about the tool, its further improvement and some more ideas about job fairs in general. The meeting was short and productive.


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