Team meeting (part v) and Project partner meeting

The team had their weekly meeting on 8th of november at the New factory. Elli and Ira had been brainstorming over some creative job fair ideas for the company stand (over breakfast) and then discussed those with Tamas and Burni in the meeting late afternoon. Some positive and constructive feedback helped to polish those ideas further so as to be presented to the project partner in the upcoming meeting.

Some work was also done on the preparation for the mid pitch which is approaching us soon. The team seems pretty enthusiastic about it and has been receiving constant guidance from Raul about new ideas and approaches to the actual pitching event.

For the meeting with the project partner on 11th november, the new and improved version of the prototype was presented. Some feedback and ideas were taken into consideration for the next version. The ideas for the stand design and methods to improve the personal user experience for target audience were put across. It looks like a work in progress for now but should have some more concrete form soon.

The team is now preparing for the mid pitch event and also to attend the recruitment event IT-Hekuma taking place on 16.11.2016. It would be a good experience to go to ground zero and see how things work.

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