Team Meeting- Part iii

Today, the team met again at the New Factory. With Bernie back from his Russian getaway, the team got into full action mode and brainstormed the next steps.


Bernie and Elli debating some issues while Tamas is updating his calendar for friday’s meeting with Ira

We have divided ourselves into groups of two each in order to visit the universities in Tampere and get some feedback from our target audience i.e. university students about our initial prototype. There is a list of pre discussed questions that was prepared in the meeting  (after some serious brainstorming), that is going to be used for student interviews. The questions range from general feedback about experience in job fairs to some specific details about our prototype. The interviews are to be conducted within this week and the results will be assimilated together soon after to get a clearer picture of the ground reality and also to enhance what we already have.

Some valuable suggestions and valid concerns from our facilitator Raul and our project partner Sunnu (from the previous meeting) have been taken into account while preparing for the student interviews. We are very optimistic that this first test will help us improve the product in manifold ways.

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