Team Introduction

First things first! Here’s a short introduction to our talented, multicultural and interdisciplinary team. We are a bunch of hardworking and motivated students eager to explore new territories. We are problem solvers and our goal is to collectively find straight forward solutions to complex problems. Apart from our unique skill set, team work is our strength.

Raul Berlanga | Project Facilitator

+358 44 328 7726 |

My name is Raúl and I’m the Demola facilitator for this project. I’m originally from Mexico, but I’ve been living in Finland for the last 5 years. Back home I did my Bachelors in Industrial Engineering and I recently graduated as a MSc in Business & Technology from the TUT. In my free time I love playing football and basketball, not only are they my favorites sports, but they are very social activities as well, and recently I’ve gotten a bit into cycling as well. Unsurprisingly enough, I play some video games in my free time and I’m also known for binge-watching TV series now and then. I’m a first-time facilitator, but I have 3 Demola projects as a student under my belt, so I’m really looking forward to helping my teams succeed while also enjoying their time at Demola.


Elli Felin | Project Manager and Service Designer

050 377 3443 | elli(at) | LinkedIn

While still officially a computer science major, I’m nowadays focusing more on my minor studies in leadership and management. I’m passionate about creating amazing applicant experience, bringing girls and tech together and helping people recognise their strengths.

I hope to become a recruiting & HR professional, and that’s why this project grabbed my attention.

Books, cats, coffee and Pet Shop Boys are great.

Bernhard Bernecker | Main Programmer


Bernhard from Austria, but please call me Bernie; in Tampere for an exchange semester. My major is business informatics, I like to code, love getting in to new languages and improve old ones. Basically I am on the finish line of my Bachelor’s Degree and already started some Master’s Degree courses.

To relax I like to be outside, I do various outdoor sports from hiking to climbing, mountainbiking, skiing, and so on.

I applied for this project because I like the demola approach to work on things and I was very interested in this topic as it affects myself and I encountered some flaws of the application process as an applicant.

Ira Sood | Concept Designer

+358 41 751 5006 | ira.sood(at) | LinkedIn

Originally from India, I am an international Master’s degree student studying Industrial Engineering and Management at TUT. I have an engineering background (E & C) and two years of work experience in project management working with French Telecom. So that is the area i am going to add value to with regard to this project as well.

Demola is a very fascinating concept and i am looking forward to my experience working here. This particular project has a very personal significance for me which makes me extra motivated to find a solution to our problem.

I am quite outgoing and i love to meet new people especially from different cultures than mine.Reading and writing  are the two things i usually spend my free time doing. I am also a meditation practitioner.

Tamás Kertész | UI/UX/Web Designer

I’m from Romania, I study Interactive Media at TAMK, I like playing music, web/graphics design, a good cup of coffee and romantic walks on the beach. I dislike long-winded introductions though.

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